Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
If you experience a wound that hasn’t healed in four weeks, ask your physician to evaluate your wound for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Explore Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO)
Call us to schedule an evaluation of a chronic or non-healing wound
954-883-8014If you experience a wound that hasn’t healed in four weeks, ask your physician to evaluate your wound for HBO. Wound conditions that may benefit from HBO include:
- Air or gas embolism
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Compromised grafts and flaps
- Crush injuries
- Decompression sickness
- Diabetic wounds of the lower extremity
- Enhancement of healing in select wounds
- Exceptional blood loss anemia
- Gangrene
- Intracranial abscess
- Necrotizing soft tissue infections
- Post-radiation injury
- Refractory osteomyelitis
- Thermal burn
How It Works
Lying in the transparent cylinder of the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, you have an unobstructed view outside and the ability to talk to an attendant through an intercom. During treatment, you may relax by sleeping, listen to music or watch television. As the chamber is gradually pressurized, you may feel a “fullness” in the ears similar to that experienced when diving under water or flying in an airplane. Trained attendants can assist in trying to help you overcome this temporary sensation.
HBO Frequently Asked Questions
Each treatment lasts about 2 hours. You should receive one treatment a day, Monday – Friday. Your physician will instruct you if you need more than one treatment per day.
Treatment is different for each patient, depending on the patient’s condition and the response to therapy. Most HBO patients receive between 30 and 40 treatments.
To protect the privacy of our patients, guests are not permitted to accompany you during your treatments. A waiting room has been provided to accommodate them. A trained staff member, with whom you may communicate, is in the room at all times.
We will provide you with clothing for the treatment. For safety considerations, please do not wear:
- Make up
- Wigs or hair pieces
- Nail polish applied in the previous 24 hours.
- Loose-fitting dentures
- Skin lotions, hair spray/hair oil
- Perfume, cologne or aftershave
- Jewelry, including watches and earrings
Also, please don't have anything in your mouth, including chewing gum or candy.
In the cylinder, you have visibility to all directions. If you are anxious, a physician may prescribe you medicine to help you relax.
The HBO technician will check your blood sugar before and after treatment. Take your medicine as prescribed and eat before HBO. As with any treatment, minor side effects may occur. Patients are advised of safety precautions and preparations prior to treatment.
Call us to schedule an evaluation of a chronic or non-healing wound
can help the condition of my foot it had
really looked that bad
to that point when they think that they
would have amputated it he had already
had almost half of this foot removed we
started treating him with standard of
care we continued that route but we also
added hyperbaric oxygen therapy
it went from a very large wound the
bombing the foot to a very small wound
and he has been walking on the extremity
and we've saved the limb when they came
in they couldn't walk arya was using
crutches and now I can walk we treat all
types of wounds and we're talking about
diabetic wounds possibly arterial wounds
or venous wounds some types of pressure
sores we see we see burns Memorial
Center for wound healing and hyperbaric
oxygen therapy for more information or
to make an appointment call 954 eight
eight three eight zero one four or visit
MHS net slash wound healing

we treat patients who are not healing
with standard of care after four weeks
if they're not improving by 50% they
meet criteria for hyperbaric oxygen
therapy how it works is your whole body
goes into a chamber you're breathing
oxygen under pressure and it's it's
physics physics in action so basically
we're dissolving more oxygen in your
blood supply and your bloodstream to get
out to the area's to heal wounds and to
heal scarred areas it helps create more
inflammatory pathways for healing and
it's just oxygen is needed for all these
pathways to work but the treatments are
generally 90 minutes we have the nice
televisions and we have DVDs that you
can watch a good an hour-and-a-half
two-hour movie gets you through the
treatment we have vascular surgeons we
have the diet wrist we have plastic
surgeon and some internists involved
with the wound care and so we have a
multi-specialty approach which also sets
us apart we have an extremely successful
healing rate and our patient
satisfaction rate has been extremely
high as well the rewards are just
outrageous in terms of helping patients
getting them walk
we've had patients come in that have had
the bends where they had impairment
where they were heavy plea jack on one
side couldn't move and you put them in
the chamber for five hours hyperbaric
chamber five hours they walk out of here
I mean you know it just doesn't get
better than that

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